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6 Month Follow Up Survey

Please complete this survey 6 months AFTER participating in the W5 training program.


Demographic information is used to better understand certain background characteristics of an audience, whether it is age, race, ethnicity, income, work situation, marital status, etc.

Occupation (check all that apply)

Child Abuse and Neglect Questions

Please read each and select your answers. Read statements and select if the statement is true (accurate) or false (inaccurate). Please read the questions and select answers.

All adult individuals are mandated to report any form of child abuse and neglect in North Carolina.
If I suspect a child is experiencing abuse or neglect, I need to talk to the child to confirm before I make a report?
I do not report abuse or neglect if it happened a long time ago.
I do not report child abuse if both the "victim" and "offender" are children.
I am required to give my name and phone number when making a report of child abuse and neglect to the Dept. of Social Services.
If sexual abuse occurred, there will always be physical signs to prove it.
Spanking is not considered abuse as long as it is reasonable and causes no bodily injury to the child.
Child sexual abuse always involves physical contact and/or sexual intercourse with a child.
Children that are victims of abuse often know their abuser.
Children that witness chronic domestic violence in the home are experiencing a form of neglect.
The majority of children disclose their abuse immediately after it happens.
Unreported abuse and neglect can impact a child's physical health long-term.
Unreported abuse and neglect can impact a child's physical health long-term.
I can provide a positive experience in a child's life that can offset adverse experiences that occurred.
The role of social services is to assess or investigate if a child has been abused, or is believed to be at risk of abuse, by someone who has caregiving responsibilities for that child.
The role of law enforcement is to investigate crimes, regardless of who committed them.
The law states that I am no longer obligated to make a report of child abuse so long as I communicate the information to someone who says they will make the report on my behalf.

Other Questions:

Do you have a personal experience or have a sensitivity to traumatic realities that makes the topic of abuse/neglect difficult?
What can you do if you have a concern about a child being abused or neglected? (check all that apply)
What can you do if a child discloses abuse or neglect to you directly? (check all that apply)
When an adult comes to you with concerns of child abuse or neglect of a child what can you do? (check all that apply)
Where should your mandated report of child abuse and neglect be made? (check all that apply)

Application of Training:

Have you encountered a situation where you utilized the knowledge from the W5 training?
If yes, did you feel prepared to handle the situation because of the W5 training?
Since completing the W5 training, have you made a report of child abuse or neglect?
If yes, did you feel confident in reporting it effectively?

Feedback and Suggestions:

Overall Impact:

Would you recommend the W5 training to others?

Thanks for submitting!

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